The ancient Mayans prized Venus
and felt this year's transit of Venus
was very important to the events of the year,
and would point the way to events later in the year,
leading to December 21, 2012.
Venus does not cross the face of the Sun
(in between the earth and Sun)
very often.
Venus will do this in pairs of years, always eight years apart.
The last time we saw this happen, it was June 8, 2004,
and the next time will be on
Tuesday, June 5 or
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
(depending on your time zone).
After that, we will never see this happen again in our lifetime.
The last time this happened was
December 1881 and December 1889.
The next time Venus will transit the Sun,
it will be December 2117 and December 2125,
more than a century from now.
it will be December 2117 and December 2125,
more than a century from now.

We are now on the eve of the second transit of a pair, after which there
will be no other till the twenty-first century of our era has dawned
upon the earth, and the June flowers are blooming in 2004 (and 2012).
When the last transit season occurred the intellectual world was
awakening from the slumber of ages, and that wondrous scientific
activity which has led to our present advanced knowledge was just
beginning. What will be the state of science when the next transit
season arrives? God only knows. Not even our children's children will
live to take part in the astronomy of that day. As for ourselves, we
have to do with the present. - William Harkness,
U.S. Naval Observatory 1882
U.S. Naval Observatory 1882
Love, eroticism, money, values, pleasure and worth are up for reevaluation and renegotiation.
Venus turned Retrograde on May 15
and will be so until June 27,
and though we’ve been “in the shadow” since April 11,
now it’s time to dive in
and deepen the process of healing
and regenerating the feminine.
Venus turned Retrograde on May 15
and will be so until June 27,
and though we’ve been “in the shadow” since April 11,
now it’s time to dive in
and deepen the process of healing
and regenerating the feminine.
When a planet turns Retrograde,
its function turns inward, and outer circumstances
conspire to help us really get the message that
we are the source of our own suffering,
and our own healing.
Venus Retro reveals
ways that we look outside ourselves for love,
validation and worth
which typically happen in the
Venus-ruled arenas of
relationship and money.
its function turns inward, and outer circumstances
conspire to help us really get the message that
we are the source of our own suffering,
and our own healing.
Venus Retro reveals
ways that we look outside ourselves for love,
validation and worth
which typically happen in the
Venus-ruled arenas of
relationship and money.
Venus Retro takes us back into the past,
for the purpose of healing and resolution,
so we can move forward more easily.
This reminds me of the shamanic process of Soul Retrieval
a part of ourselves that was traumatized
and left behind now wants to be reclaimed
and brought into present time.
for the purpose of healing and resolution,
so we can move forward more easily.
This reminds me of the shamanic process of Soul Retrieval
a part of ourselves that was traumatized
and left behind now wants to be reclaimed
and brought into present time.
Gemini the Twins signifies duality,
and Venus Retrograde in Gemini reveals
the places where we lost a felt sense of oneness
both within ourselves
and in relation to all beings
and split off into separation.
In traditional astrology Gemini is ruled by Mercury,
but I was pleased to learn that,
at an esoteric level,
Gemini is thought to be ruled by Venus .
and Venus Retrograde in Gemini reveals
the places where we lost a felt sense of oneness
both within ourselves
and in relation to all beings
and split off into separation.
In traditional astrology Gemini is ruled by Mercury,
but I was pleased to learn that,
at an esoteric level,
Gemini is thought to be ruled by Venus .
- Emily Trinkaus
Its anyone's guess at this point how it will all play out, but the astrology is off the charts!! What exciting and beautiful times to be living through. Everyone just love each other and take good notes for the history books! xo, Paetra
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