And now we approach the time of balance between light and dark. It is Hermes the Magician, ruler of Virgo who holds the lantern to guide us.
He takes Persephone's hand as she heads out into the meadow to gather flowers, her inevitable and necessary annual journey to the underworld awaiting her there.
Virgo's task (Aug 23-Sept 22) is deadly serious. The harvest of Leo is in, and now the work is to decide what of the harvest is to be eaten over the winter and what is to be saved as seed for next year's garden. Miscalculations on either side are unpleasant so along comes Venus, the ruler of Libra to assist us.
Wow, what a potent chart that is. Uranus is still in the early degrees of Aries (it entered on March 11 of this year: Fukushima) and it will be opposing Venus, the Sun and Mercury. And all of those planets with Saturn as well, are squaring Pluto. Hmmm.... Expect the unexpected as they say... across the board. Could be fiery. Weird telecommunications things could definitely happen.
The Moon and Mars are both conjunct in Leo right on the horizon as Equinox happens.
All the World's a Stage...
Thankfully they are sextiling the Sun and Mercury, and are trine to Uranus.
Emotional honesty and right action are our only options now. We are closing in on 2012 and regardless of any of the various prophecies, no one can deny that we are in a time of unprecedented change. It is time to follow your greatest desires. Why are you here? Where are you supposed to be? Find your spot and nestle in, hunker down, and Live Long & Prosper!!!
If you already have a garden, time to think brassicas. Broccoli, Kale, Cabbages... they love the winter and it is lovely to have them. But get them in soon and keep them well watered until the rains come.
Mabon is the time of the second harvest, when fruits are ready for collection.
Mabon is a time to consider which aspects of your life you wish to preserve and which you would prefer to discard. It marks a time of thankfulness, equality and balance. The dark half of the year brings a greater emphasis on reflection, rest and planning.
I love this time of the year so much, with it's slanting rays of light and deep jewel toned hues and the breath of relief that the garden seems to take as it settles down and in for a long winter's nap. The following is my favorite seasonal soundtrack. The first song from George Winston's seminal album from 1980.
Paetra is available for astrological consultations.( )
Thanks for all you writings and images. It helps me to stay connected to the cycles of the earth. xo J.
ReplyDeleteSigh of relief...Autumn. Thank You for being you Paetra, and for sharing <3