Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus occulting the Sun!


The ancient Mayans prized Venus
 and felt this year's transit of Venus
 was very important to the events of the year, 
and would point the way to events later in the year,
 leading to December 21, 2012. 
Venus does not cross the face of the Sun
 (in between the earth and Sun)
 very often. 

Photo of lotus flower.

Venus will do this in pairs of years, always eight years apart.
 The last time we saw this happen, it was June 8, 2004,
 and the next time will be on 
Tuesday, June 5 or 
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
 (depending on your time zone).
 After that, we will never see this happen again in our lifetime. 
The last time this happened was 
December 1881 and December 1889. 

Sunray Venus

The next time Venus will transit the Sun,
 it will be December 2117 and December 2125,
 more than a century from now. 
The Birth of Venus, Alexandre Cabanel

We are now on the eve of the second transit of a pair, after which there will be no other till the twenty-first century of our era has dawned upon the earth, and the June flowers are blooming in 2004 (and 2012). When the last transit season occurred the intellectual world was awakening from the slumber of ages, and that wondrous scientific activity which has led to our present advanced knowledge was just beginning. What will be the state of science when the next transit season arrives? God only knows. Not even our children's children will live to take part in the astronomy of that day. As for ourselves, we have to do with the present. - William Harkness,
 U.S. Naval Observatory 1882

 File:Venus globe.jpg

The Birth of Venus by Bouguereau
"Every 8 years, Venus returns to almost exactly the same point it was 8 years before, and in the exact same relationship to the Sun. In this time, Venus makes 10 exact conjunctions with the Sun. Plotting these 10 conjunctions creates a perfect 5-pointed star, known as the pentagram:

the ancient symbol of the goddess from all pagan cultures..
In actuality, Venus will actually dance these conjunctions in the shape of a heart, because of her backwards or retrograde cycle. The shape of these 5 hearts over the 8 year cycle creates a 5 petaled Rose.
  omg watch this! its so beautiful
click above
Thus, we have the Star, Pentagram, Heart, and Rose, all traditional symbols of the Goddess and Beauty that Venus literally traces in her elegant dance in the sky.
Venus, by Henri Pierre Picou (1824-1895), French painter 

The Sounds of Venus!
 click above to listen
Love, eroticism, money, values, pleasure and worth are up for reevaluation and renegotiation
Venus turned Retrograde on May 15 
and will be so until June 27,
 and though we’ve been “in the shadow” since April 11,
 now it’s time to dive in
 and deepen the process of healing
 and regenerating the feminine.

When a planet turns Retrograde, 
its function turns inward, and outer circumstances 
conspire to help us really get the message that
 we are the source of our own suffering, 
and our own healing
 Venus Retro reveals 
ways that we look outside ourselves for love,
 validation and worth
 which typically happen in the
 Venus-ruled arenas of 
relationship and money.

Venus Retro takes us back into the past, 
for the purpose of healing and resolution,
 so we can move forward more easily. 
This reminds me of the shamanic process of Soul Retrieval 
 a part of ourselves that was traumatized 
and left behind now wants to be reclaimed 
 and brought into present time.

Gemini, the Zodiacal House of the Twins, is occupied by the Sun from the 22nd of May until the 21st of June approximately, and is ruled by the planet Mercury. In the earliest Zodiacs this House was symbolised by two kids, for which the Greeks substituted twin children, the sons of Jupiter, represented by two bright stars, Castor and Pollux.
Gemini is also symbolised by two Pillars joined at the top and base (♊), which is a diagrammatic representation of the Twins seated side by side with embracing arms. Castor was killed in battle, and Pollux, overwhelmed at his loss, entreated Jupiter to restore his brother to life, or make them both immortal. As a reward for this great affection, and in recognition of their noble deeds when on earth, Jupiter translated the two brothers, thus forming the Constellation Gemini in the heavens. It was believed that among other achievements they cleared the neighbouring seas of pirates, and when the Argonauts were in distress from a violent tempest, two lambent flames descended from the clouds and settled upon the heads of Castor and Pollux, a calm immediately ensuing.
From these circumstances they were regarded as protectors of navigation, it being inferred that whenever both stars were visible it was a harbinger of fine weather, the appearance of one star only signifying storms and tempests.
It may be noted that as a rule the seas are calm when the Sun is in Gemini, and it was at this period of the year that the forty days’ rain of the Deluge ceased.
The symbol of the two Pillars joined at the top and base, already referred to, were also believed to typify the two pillars set up by King Solomon in the porch of the Temple, which were quite distinct and apart from the building itself and were not for any structural purpose, their use being entirely symbolical.
One was named “Jachin,” meaning “He will establish,” and the other “Boaz,” signifying “In Him is strength”; also they denoted the union of Intellect and Intuition.
Amongst the Romans the month of May was sacred to Maia the goddess of Sterility, and this month was, therefore, considered by them a most unfavourable time for marriages. Ovid in his Fasti tells us that—

“Neither are the times suitable for the marriage of the widow nor the virgin. She who was married was not so for long. Also for this cause (if proverbs affect you) they commonly say evil things for marrying in the month of Mai.”

This last sentence (in its original Latin) was affixed to the gates of Holyrood Palace after the wedding of Mary Queen of Scots to Bothwell on the 15th of May, 1567. Another old writer says that the day of the week on which the 14th of May falls is not only unlucky for marriage in this unfortunate month, but that throughout the remainder of the year that particular day will bring ill-luck to those who marry on it; and another old proverb runs: “May never was ye month of love.” Even now it is stated fewer marriages take place in this month than in any other.
The fortunate number of the Gemini type is 5, which was considered to have peculiar virtues as a Talisman by the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks because it unites the first even and odd numbers 2 and 3. It was often inscribed over doors to keep out evil spirits. In connection with this, it is interesting to note that in Roman ceremonies of marriage it was usual to light five tapers and to admit the guests by five; Jewish history records a frequent use of this number, five gifts to the priests, five things only to be eaten in camp. Joseph gave five suits of raiment to Benjamin, and presented only five of his brothers to Pharaoh. David took five pebbles when he went to fight Goliath, and Joshua hanged five kings on five trees; further, every important measurement of the Tabernacle was five or a multiple of five; also there were five wise and five foolish virgins. In the Mohammedan religion there are five articles of belief, namely in Allah, in the Prophets, in Angels, the Day of Judgment, and Predestination.
In marriage and business relations those born during the Gemini period will agree best with Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius characters, and it is a curious fact that in the lives of those born whilst the Sun occupies the House of the Twins, nearly all important events, fortunate or unfortunate, happen twice, and incidents in the career are repeated in a similar way.
Gemini the Twins signifies duality, 
and Venus Retrograde in Gemini reveals
 the places where we lost a felt sense of oneness 
 both within ourselves 
and in relation to all beings 
 and split off into separation. 
 In traditional astrology Gemini is ruled by Mercury, 
but I was pleased to learn that,  
at an esoteric level, 
Gemini is thought to be ruled by Venus  .
- Emily Trinkaus

 Its anyone's guess at this point how it will all play out, but the astrology is off the charts!! What exciting and beautiful times to be living through. Everyone just love each other and take good notes for the history books! xo, Paetra

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