Ahhhhh... finally!
Midsummer's Eve.
I don't know if you've noticed, but the ramping up to Summer Solstice is every year Such a manic time. Especially the week leading up to it. The heat has usually appeared by now and there is nothing but daylight, as far as the eye can see. The sun passes itself waking up the next day, on its way to sleep the night before.
The freshness of spring changes into the madness of midsummer without warning, and we are always caught unawares. Anxiety and general feelings of overwhelm are easily manifest.
It is only with the entrance of the sun into cardinal earth watersign Cancer that we begin to add a minute of darkness to both dawn and dusk each day, and with that we begin to restore balance between the dark and the light, and we are able to exhale deeply and to begin to relax into the august power of summertime in the northern hemisphere. This is when most of the food ripens! The cornucopia of bounty just springs straight out of the earth. The holy trinity of water, warmth and nutrients bears miracles. If you have a garden, you can almost see things grow right before your very eyes.
Today the sun reaches the height of its power, but now at this great turning point of the year, the energy changes. It begins the return to dark side of the year, connecting once again to the inner and underworlds.
Traditionally fires were lit on hilltops and people stayed up all night to watch the sunrise.
It was also a very strong night for working magic,
and that has not changed.
We still can connect with that power and direct it into our lives in positive ways. What would you like to 'beam' with positive juice? What has 'peaked' in your life and you are now ready to let it go? Use it.
We are our ancestors and this is more than old-time superstition. It is the reality of living in a body on a planet that is governed by light and darkness. It determines much of our reality. Light a candle and say a prayer. The Faeries are listening!!!
Paetra is available for astrological consultations.